
Light & Space

“Luz e Espaço" (Light & Space) exhibition opens a new space at MON

Art and design are present in the exhibition "Light and Space," on display in two rooms on the 3rd. floor of the Eye building at the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON). The curator is Marc Pottier.

The show has an innovative proposal: to materialize through design, illuminating objects and luminous installations, putting art and design on the same level. For this, a select group of artists from Curitiba was invited: designers and light researchers.

Various streams of style and approaches, from the rich local production, reinforce their professional connections and launch creative scenarios. The main thread of the exhibition is light and shadow, offering a wide variety of proposals on the theme.

The participating artists are Alberth Murta & Ari Coelho, Alejandro Magnere, Ana Penso, Aline Volpato, Max Kampa, Marcelo Caruso, Aleverson Ecker & Luiz Pellanda - Holaria, Henrique Hellström, and Lucas Machado.

"Light and Space"
Starting August 9th
Spaces Araucária and Araucária 2 (3rd. floor of the Tower)


  • Artist

    Alberth Murta & Ari Coelho, Alejandro Magnere, Ana Penso, Aline Volpato, Max Kampa, Marcelo Caruso, Aleverson Ecker & Luiz Pellanda – Holaria, Henrique Hellström e Lucas Machado. 

  • Curatorship

    Marc Portier

  • Exhibition period

    From 9 de agosto de 2022

  • Until 30 de abril de 2023

  • Location

    Third floor | Eye Tower

  • Plan your visit

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Exhibition Attributes

Visual stimulus

Blinking Light

Visual stimulus

Dim Light

Visual stimulus

Bright Light

Sound stimulus

Noisy Space

Sound stimulus

Unexpected noise

Physical stimulus

Movement restriction

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Exhibition period

Until 30 de abril de 2023


Third floor | Eye Tower


Access until 5:30 pm

Ticket sales

R$ 36 full-price | R$ 18 half-price
Free admission every Wednesday


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