
Poty, Between Two Worlds

The exhibition of the artist Poty Lazzarotto (1924 - 1998) will open on October 25 at the Torre do Olho of the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON): "Poty, Between Two Worlds," with unpublished works. The curator is Maria José Justino, and the curatorial assistance is from Juliane Fuganti.

The show is a selection from the most extensive collection ever donated to the institution, with approximately 4.5 thousand works. It begins at MON, a continuous space for exhibitions of this influential artist.

The donation, generously made by Poty's brother, João Lazzarotto, brought the Museum more than 3 thousand drawings and 366 prints, as well as tapestries, carvings, serigraphs, and sculptures.

At the time of the donation, the brother commented that the gesture fulfilled the artist's wish. "Poty said that a work of art is for the public to see, and he wanted his to stay here. He refused requests to take them to Paris and other places. Curitiba was everything to him." The brother explained that the family chose to donate to MON because it is a museum with the necessary conditions to house, preserve and exhibit the works.

  • Artist

    Poty Lazzarotto

  • Curatorship

    Maria José Justino

  • Exhibition period

    From 26 de outubro de 2022

  • Until 24 de março de 2024

  • Location


  • Plan your visit


"From now on, a significant part of the Poty Collection can be seen by the public in this show, which begins at MON, a continuous space of exhibitions of this important artist," says the director-president of MON, Juliana Vosnika. Part of his works will also be taken to the state's interior in itinerant shows, thus allowing the institution to exercise its essential function of democratizing art.

For Luciana Casagrande Pereira, general superintendent of Culture, "the incorporation of Poty's collection to the MON's collection is a milestone because it guarantees that the artist's tremendous and expressive work becomes the inheritance of the people of Paraná definitively.

The Exhibition

The exhibition brings together approximately 130 works. According to the curators, the public can scrutinize an ambivalent Poty: the mystical and the transgressive experience, contemplation, and the senses, divine and sensual love narrated by beautiful images.

The theme of the sacred is presented with a diversity of techniques: drawing, etching, etching, lithography, woodcut, sculpture, and mural. The exhibition also brings to the many public drawings, primarily unpublished, made by the artist.

"The owner of an exquisite drawing and an exceptional engraver, Poty was great in many themes: the worker (especially the railroad workers), war, the city, history (narrated, above all, in the immense open-air murals), Indigenous people (in 1967, Poty took shelter in the Xingu Indigenous Park), saints (especially St. Francis), family women, prostitutes, and everyday scenes," comments Maria José. "In all, he is unique," says the curator.

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Poty Lazzarotto

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Exhibition period

Until 24 de março de 2024




Access until 5:30 pm

Ticket sales

R$ 36 full-price | R$ 18 half-price
Free admission every Wednesday


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